Invisalign Dentist Services Are About More Than Looks

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Invisalign Dentist Services Are About More Than Looks


Whether you have a crooked tooth, overcrowded teeth, or bite problems, an Invisalign dentist can help you fix these problems. Invisalign works by applying clear thermoplastic aligners to the teeth. The aligners are molded to fit the teeth and move them gradually into the desired position. The dentist may also place small attachments on the teeth to help them move more effectively.

During the Invisalign treatment process, you should keep your teeth and gums clean. You should also remove your aligners to eat and drink. Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss when necessary. The more you practice good oral hygiene, the better your results will be. Do you want to learn more? Visit Schoettger Orthodontics of Lincoln

Your dentist will also monitor the progress of your treatment. If you experience any side effects, they should go away after a few days. You may notice a slight lisp in your speech, or increased tooth sensitivity. This should not interfere with your day-to-day activities. Occasionally, you may also experience increased saliva. It is normal for these side effects to occur. However, they will go away once your teeth have settled into the new position.

You may experience some minor discomfort during the first few days of wearing your aligners. However, you should be able to speak normally in just a short amount of time. If you experience any other symptoms, you should visit your dentist immediately.

The Invisalign treatment process can take a few months to complete, but most people are able to finish the process in just a year or so. The length of the treatment is dependent on how much straightening is needed and your compliance with the treatment plan. If you are a candidate for Invisalign, you will receive a custom set of clear aligners that will gradually move your teeth to the desired position. These clear aligners are removable and can be cleaned by you.

Invisalign is a great option for patients who don’t want to wear metal braces. The clear aligners are designed to fit your teeth without causing irritation. In addition, they are virtually invisible, making them very popular with patients.

Your Invisalign dentist will give you specific instructions on how to care for your new clear aligners. You should brush them twice a day and use lukewarm water to clean them. Then, you should replace your aligners every two weeks. In addition to these cleaning procedures, you will need to attend all your appointments.

You may also experience increased tooth sensitivity during the first few days of treatment. This sensitivity should go away by the time your treatment is complete. It is a normal side effect of treatment and should only return once your new aligners are worn. Your dentist should monitor your progress during the Invisalign treatment process and make adjustments as necessary.

Once your Invisalign treatment is completed, you can smile with confidence. Your new teeth will create a healthier mouth environment. They will also be easier to clean. Depending on your dentist’s recommendations, you may need to wear retainers to prevent your teeth from shifting. You can use the Invisalign website to find a dentist near you who is a certified Invisalign provider.